Three Essential Guidelines for Using Pine Sawdust in Your Garden

Posted on: 21 July 2021

If you are looking for an ideal solution for mulching your garden, consider the benefits of using pine sawdust. This material is economical because it is produced when sawing pine wood for other purposes. Sawdust is also a biodegradable material with minimal negative effects on the environment. Additionally, the decomposed material can improve the soil quality in the garden and promote healthier plant growth. However, improper use will not yield the best results. Here are critical tips to keep in mind for the right outcome for your garden when using pine sawdust.

Choose Good Material

The quality of sawdust will determine the performance of the material as mulch. Therefore, choose the best material from a reliable supplier to avoid causing damage to your garden. One of the common issues to consider is the cleanliness of the sawdust. When purchasing the material, ensure that contamination will not be an issue. For instance, pine timber is often treated with chemicals to prevent pest damage. Make sure that the sawdust has not been treated with strange compounds, especially when you are dealing with an organic garden with edible plants.

Consider Specific Use

The primary use of sawdust in the garden is as mulch. The placement of the material around the plants will minimise the loss of moisture through evaporation. Moreover, the mulch will limit the growth of weeds, which compete for nutrients with the garden plants. If mulching is your primary goal, inquire about the availability of pine wood shavings. This form of sawdust is supplied in curly, coarse pieces. Therefore, the material will prevent moisture loss while allowing for airflow around the plants and in the soil. Moreover, the shavings will last a long time after placement. If you are interested in using sawdust for amending the soil, choose finer sawdust. The material will be easier to incorporate into the soil, and it will degrade faster due to the smaller size.

Prepare the Sawdust

The primary drawback of using pine sawdust in a garden is the acidity of the material. Careless placement will cause a decrease in pH, and the high acidity could harm the plants. This consideration is not critical when dealing with acid-loving plants. However, if you have pH-sensitive flora, the risks could be significant. Therefore, consider preparing the sawdust by soaking the material in lime water. This practice is particularly crucial if you are planning on using the sawdust for amendment. Additionally, the decomposition process can deplete nitrogen, so apply nitrogen fertiliser to your garden soil before laying the sawdust. 


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