The Benefits of Using a Power Wheelchair

Posted on: 14 December 2022

When you need to stay seated most of the day, power wheelchairs are an excellent option for getting around. As a form of wheelchair that's easy to customise, powered chairs provide lots of support. If you're yet to use one, here are some of its benefits.

Tilt and Recline

Staying in one position for a long time doesn't always feel comfortable. It can also lead to pressure sores, which may progress into infections. Tilt and recline is a popular power wheelchair feature that allows you to move your position. Moving your position is useful when you want to reduce your risk of pressure sores. It's also handy when you have a condition that means remaining upright for too long feels uncomfortable. You can also try features such as leg elevation. Like tilt and recline, leg elevation can reduce discomfort when you suffer from certain conditions. It's also an excellent way to reduce swelling and lower blood clot risk.

Joystick Operation

If you suffer from low energy levels or you have a reduced range of movement, using a wheelchair that has a joystick operation can benefit you. Joysticks are very intuitive and allow you to move around easily. Unlike when you use a mobility scooter, all functions are in one place. As such, if you tend to run low on energy throughout the day, you'll reduce the amount you would usually expend by operating a wheelchair with a joystick. This also makes a powered wheelchair useful if you're recovering from a condition such as a stroke, where movements on one side of your body may be especially difficult.

Versatile Use

When you're using a wheelchair, you may face some logistical problems. For example, a manual wheelchair may not be suitable for certain types of terrain. They can also tire you out, which is frustrating when you like trying different activities. Mobility scooters are useful for rest but are often large and cumbersome. They don't fit through lots of different doorways like powered chairs do. Powered wheelchairs usually come with excellent suspension, allowing them to move across different terrains. They also give you rest without being too big to fit through different doors or sit at restaurant tables. Their versatile nature allows you to get the best of both worlds: small size and lots of power.

Finally, many powered chairs are also highly customisable. You can adapt the seat to support your body and enjoy maximum comfort as you use it. 

For more info about power wheelchairs, contact a local company. 


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